My Services
Thomas N. Burnham is dedicated to providing experienced and aggressive representation for clients who are looking for legal advice and private client consultation services in the areas of: franchise and antitrust law; whistleblower litigation cases; strategic corporate structuring and organizational needs; private placement offering; and support and consulting services for entering global capital markets. The experience and expertise we have gained in our areas of practice, through collaboration and teamwork with our domestic and international network of contacts and resources, allows us to achieve the results you need. We stand ready to provide you with the day-to-day hard work that any litigation issue requires, and, at the same time, are still able to grasp the big picture needed to actually win your case.
Mr. Burnham's approach is simple. He represents individuals and businesses in diverse areas of the law ranging from the most complex personal and business transactions to unusual legal matters.
Mr. Burnham brings creativity, sound judgment, and innovation to every issue, large or small. He builds lasting relationships and gains consistent results for his clients. Mr. Burnham's boutique practice is significant enough to take on large and complex matters, but remains small enough to provide the vested personal service his clients deserve.
Mr. Burnham is committed to his client’s success. He delivers results and is responsive to his client’s sensitive needs and emergencies—because Mr. Burnham recognizes that each of his clients have individual and special needs.
Services offered by Mr. Burnham are grounded by his values. He is passionate about the law and about the ideals that our country's legal system was founded upon.
He believes that our country's legal system was created, and is to be treated as, the great equalizer: where all stand equal under its protection and the rights granted thereunder.
He believes in the law's use to pursue justice, fairness, and fair dealings, not for one, but for all. He believes in responsibility, both corporate and personal. He believes in commerce, manufacturing, trade and a market driven economy as well as the personal and corporate freedoms granted thereunder.
In essence, Mr. Burnham, believes in the classic concepts of our country, and the foundational basis that gave rise to the "American Dream."
Mr. Burnham's services bring to bear on behalf of his clients a team of seasoned professionals that carry with them a wide array of experience and expertise.
Each member of his team is a proven operator, with a track record of success in his or her respective area of expertise.
This uniquely comprised team of contributors share common values and ethics with Mr. Burnham, and are the product of firmly rooted relationships that have been fostered throughout the tenure of Mr. Burnham's professional career.
Their experience and network contacts uniquely positions the firm to handle a diverse cross section of complex issues on behalf of Mr. Burnham's client base